
Just who the heck am I? No one special except maybe to my mother. I am a High School Graduate who went on to attend two different four-year universities before deciding I knew enough to begin my career without a degree.

I then went on to real life and the school of hard knocks working in the retail data processing industry before a short foray into transportation. After this foray I returned to retail by way of a small telecommunications supplier for telecoms before eventually ending my first career working at the home office of one of the largest retailers in the nation.

I am now permanently disabled and spend much of my time working on health issues, but I do look forward to a day in the distant future when I perhaps can again use my talents on some small scale to help my fellow man.

I have been hearing impaired since first grade. I like science fiction, card games, MMORPG’s, coding, tech, country music and reading. I read a variety of types of books from science fiction and tech journals to real crime and mystery to history and historical fiction.

This website/blog is just one I have kept allowing me to put my thoughts out there without boring people to death at parties. It has been up and down as priorities have shifted in my life. I first published it under a different name in 2000. I got this domain name in 2005 or at least that is what the whois tells me. I have a few others I have acquired over the years and others I have let go defunct. At any rate, I don’t think you will find any of my content earth shattering or overly illuminating. As my tagline above reveals (and I have been through a few variations of this and pretty sure I stole this from somewhere else but cannot remember whom). “I am just another mostly hairless ape pounding on a keyboard for attention.”

For best results contacting me, email me at my initials (you can see in my logo at the tab on your browser) at my domain name. I am giving my email this way as not to be difficult or cryptic, but because bots scrape websites like mine all the time for email addresses to sell to spammers. I am fortunate that mine has not been added to too many lists as of yet, but I don’t want to feed it to more though.

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